The IMF and Inequalities: Tensions between structural adjustments and structural transformations


The IMF has now recognized economic and gender inequality as issues that are core to its mandate, and claims it is playing key role in helping countries achieve SDG 10. However, evidence from the country-level suggests that IMF policy advice and loan conditions may in fact be exacerbating inequalities on multiple levels and dimensions (social; political; economic; generational).

The event co-hosted by SID, CESR, ANND, DAWN, FES, GPF, TWN and Social Watch on 17th October 2019 will debate the tensions between IMF-advised structural adjustments and the need for systemic changes in monetary and financial governance at the global level to ensure governments can have fiscal and policy space to tackle inequalities and finance the SDGs.

Speakers will draw on the 2019 Spotlight Report on Sustainable Development and propose constructive ways forwartd for the Fund´s work to tackle inequalities and achieve the SDGs. The session will be structured to promote a dynamic discussion with active participation from the floor.

Speakers to be confirmed

Organized by: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Society for International Development, Development with Women for a New Era, Global Policy Forum, Center for Economic and Social Rights, Arab NGO Network for Development, Third World Network and Social Watch.

Download the Save the Date here.